Level 1 Chapter 7 - Who, What, Which
Level 1 Unit 7 - Who, What, Which - Quiz
select the correct answer from the choices given

Who & What & Which

WHO - For people,

WHO is looking at Mary? (Peter is looking at her.)
WHO is Mary looking at? (She's looking at Peter.)

WHAT - Things, unlimited choice.

WHAT do you want?
WHAT are you taking out of your pocket?
WHAT do you smoke?
WHAT is in your pocket?

WHICH - Things or people, limited choice.

WHICH pocket is your pen in? (I have 2, 3 or 4 pockets)
WHICH pen is in your pocket? (I have 2 or 3 pens)
WHICH pipe are you smoking? (I have two.)
Which manager has a BMW?
Which receptionist is on the phone?