Level 2 Unit 1 - Which article? A, An, or nothing

Do the exercise again: It is different each time.

Select the correct answer from the choices given

The indefinite article: a, an or nothing

Before a noun (or an adjective + a noun) beginning with a consonant use "A":
A ball, A car, A child, A flower...

Before vowels, use AN:
An accident.
An easy exam.
An interesting book.
An ordinary day.
An unusual bird.

Exception: before "U" when it is pronounced "y" use "A"
An unfriendly person but
A unique occasion.
An UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) but
A ukelele.
An ugly animal but
A useful map.

For generalities there is no article:
I drink whisky (in general) but
Glenfidich is a whisky (specific)
Do you like coffee. (in general) but
Give me a coffee please. (specific: a cup of coffee)
Are you ready for dinner. (general)
She made a magnificent dinner. (specific)

Names have no indefinite article:
This is John.
Here is Mr. Smith.
I like Venice.
He lives in Canada.

Titles either have nothing or "the"
Diana was (the) Princess of Wales.
Louis 15th was (the) King of France.
Blaire was (the) Prime Minister of Geat Britain.
John is (the) President of Wallco.