Level 4 Unit 3 - Adjective or Adverb - Comparative or Superlative?
Complete the text with the correct word..
Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter.

Write in the correct form of the adjective in brackets (adjective or adverb, comparative or superlative).

Many comparatives are formed by adding "er" to the adjective:

Many adverbs are formed by adding "ly" to the adjective:


e.g. "clear": comparative = "clearer", superlative = "clearest"


Many adverbs are formed by adding "ly" to the adjective:

Comparatives and superlatives are usually constructed with "more" and "most:

e.g. "clearly" comparative= more clearly, superlative = most clearly



A notable exception: Adj = Good, Adv = Well

Comparatives are: Better & Best (for both)

For example:

It's a good car. I drive well. My car is better than yours. I drive better than you. Whose car is best? Who drives best?


Notice that to form adjectives from adjectives ending in "y" you usually add "ily"


Click on "grammar" at the top of the page for more examples and exceptions

Now complete the text opposite.

Time goes so when one is in a meeting! (slow)
I'd like to get you on a boat to China. (slow)
You must be when lighting fireworks. (careful)
Light the fireworks very (careful)
He's a very player, much than Peter and probably the in the team, but don't forget, Peter plays very too. (good)
He's a very runner. (fast)
Don't talk so I can't follow you (fast)
Do you think the boss will be when he finds we've damaged his car? (angry)
The accusations of drug taking were denied by the Russian leadership. (angry)
If you want to get the audience talk about immigration. (excited)
The children opened their presents (excite)
Sue is a girl. She climbed up the ladder . (careful)
You can learn to speak English if you practice. It's quite an language for German students: much than French for example. (easy)
He's not really deaf, just a bit of hearing. (hard)
Speak up! I can hear you. (hard)
Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell very I wonder why dog food doesn't smell ? (good)
In Michelangelo's Piéta Mary looks down at the face of the dead Jesus. (sad)
He's very sick, doctor. Do try to get here . (quick)
My wedding day was the day of my life! (happy)