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Expressions with animals

"As proud as a peacock." Only the males have the remarkable plumage. The peahen is a modest looking creature.
"As blind as a bat." Also "He has bats in the belfy." which means someone is crazy. Shortened to "He's batty!"
"As crafty as a fox." The adjective "foxy" as in "He has a foxy look." a "foxy face" refer to this expression.

"As mad as a March hare." In the month of March, the mating season, male hares often behave very strangely and have boxing matches with rivals. Lewis Carol used this in the tea party in Alice in "Wonderland"
"As strong as a horse" is one expression. "I could eat a horse." meaning I am very hungry, is another.
"He has eyes like a hawk." means he has good sight. "Hawkeye" is an (Indian?) nickname for someone like this.

"As greedy as a pig."